
5 Surefire Ways For Entrepreneurs To Stay Visible During the Pandemic

Starting out as an entrepreneur can be challenging, and with the current limitation toward social gatherings such as conferences, it’s even more challenging. As an entrepreneur, you have to be your own marketing department, PR team, and provide the product. Entrepreneurs should seek alternative ways to stay visible during the pandemic with the lockdown entering into its second year and a considerable skepticism toward physical meetups. In this article, we’ve suggested five ways to stay visible during the pandemic.

  1. Virtual appearances

What seemed strange only a year ago is the new normal for many. Conferences, meetings, and other work-related interactions have moved away from conference halls or meeting rooms into digitals spaces such as Zoom and Teams. Many companies and organizations have started offering digital conferences to stay engaged with their audience or clients, which provides a tremendous new opportunity for entrepreneurs to market themself.

Set out to make a list of companies that could be interested in hosting you on their virtual conference, reach out, and offer to hold a talk, Q&A, Webinar, or Livestream for their audience. This way, you can provide value to someone else in this challenging time and simultaneously expand your network.

  1. Be your own PR agency

Put your knowledge to use by pitching yourself to traditional media. Maybe the local newspaper would run a story on entrepreneurial struggles during the pandemic? Or your local TV station is looking for interview subjects for a case their running? Start out by offering your services as a source. You’ll help someone else in their job and gain free publicity in the process. Sign up for HARO (Help a reporter out), a free tool used by journalists to access sources and a great way to gain some publicity.

  1. Be the connector

Most are in the same situation during the lockdown. Home office or remote working has people feeling isolated and lonely. This can offer a great way to increase your network. Everyone is looking for a way to connect with people through new methods, reach out to your network, and be the connector. Check-in with your network and listen to what they are struggling with during the lockdown. Offer ways for people to connect, collaborate, or brainstorm new ideas. You’ll not only build a massive network but also stack up on some good karma.

  1. Seek out new ways to interact with your following

One of the main ways we market ourselves is through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. While these are frequently used for publishing content, they also offer great new ways to interact with your audience through live streams or webinars. What better time to go live than now that everyone is stuck in front of their computers? Try out new ways to interact with your following. Maybe live streams can turn out to be a vital part of your content schedule in the future!

  1. Help companies in the digitalization process

Entrepreneurs and startups often lead the way in digitalization. Use this as a marketing point and create content to help others adjust to a digital environment. Something that might be an everyday activity for you might be a huge adjustment for someone else. Put that experience into action and get marketing value for your brand at the same time.

The Bottom Line

Entrepreneurs need to be flexible and adjust when conditions change. While many might see it as a challenge, these adjustments also provide great opportunities to grow and expand in new ways.


5 Demand Generation Best Practices to Boost Your Brand’s Awareness

Building a long-term relationship with your customers is as tough as keeping your product in demand. We are all aware that the industry trends come and go so as an entrepreneur so you need to be able to sustain this rapid change.

To be successful in your chosen field, you have to maintain your brand awareness no matter how many large competitors come your way. Following these five practices will help you sustain the challenge and succeed in the long run.

Be consistent in proper communication with your customers

Always be attentive to your customers. As soon as your customers start to express their thoughts about your business, you need to respond as soon as you can so that your customers can feel that their concerns are being heard. This will help you produce the right product that your customers need. A customer will feel happy and satisfied whenever he/she receives the exact product he/she ordered and it arrives without a delay. Especially when the order is packed neatly and every piece is in good condition. This will urge him/her to reorder again and refer you to his/her friends and family.

Provide exceptional customer service

Handling a simple customer query can greatly affect your customer’s decision to buy your product. Aside from this fact, doing an extra mile for the customer will also let him/her feel they are truly valued. To ensure the order arrives correctly, make sure you keep in touch with your customers so you can also check if they encounter any problems associated with their order.

By doing this, you can provide an effective resolution in the early stages. Providing good customer service is a continuous process because your customers may change their minds instantly if you are not able to meet their expectations before, during, and after your transaction.

Be innovative and creative

Both of these qualities can produce a brand that is always tempting to the eyes and attracts the attention of your buyers. Millennials are always looking for new things. From the product you first use at your startup, never be afraid to perform an experiment so you can discover new things to improve your brand. You can always use the same product because you have already built your reputation with that one. You just need to be creative to enhance it so it continues to stand out among other trends.

Learn new sales strategies

Offering tempting promotions can be one of the best sales strategies you can incorporate into your business. This is the traditional way most entrepreneurs are still using because it is proven to be effective. Just make sure the discounts you offer will still generate an income though. You can also use other marketing channels to get better results and maintain your status in the industry.

Create sales metrics

A sales report can help you evaluate the aspects of your product which still requires your effort and attention. This is a smarter method to help you analyze if your sales strategy is effective or not. Your sales metrics also allow you to determine the marketing channel which contributes more to your revenue and which one should be eliminated if it is not working effectively. This is also helpful when you have other sales plans to promote additional income for the company.


How To Manage Your Wellbeing During A Pandemic

The world has certainly been turned upside down over the last couple of months. These unprecedented times have tested people and the impact of the pandemic will be seen for a long time. This has, however, given people a good opportunity to get to grips with their physical and mental wellness. If you are someone who exercises regularly then you will understand how important it is to a human being’s stability. Our emotional status is often very closely linked with our physical state.

Think about it, if you have a stressful day at work it is compounded by any physical ailment you may be experiencing. Stress is exponentially increased when we are out of balance with our bodies and the current situation has led to a lot of stress going around. We need to make sure that we are keeping tabs on our physical and mental well-being. This article will give you 5 tips to maintaining yourself during a pandemic and hopefully teach you to deal with stress a lot easier.

Here are 5 steps to get you going throughout the day:

Step 1: Wake up and make your bed.

Step 2: Eat a well-balanced breakfast.

Step 3: Take a moment to plan your day (without using your phone or technology).

Step 4: Pick a time to put on your exercise shoes and do it.

Step 5: Put on your shoes.

You do not have to be lifting weight or going for 2 hour runs every day. Simple exercises with simple movements can have a massive impact on your health and mental state. A good rule of thumb is that you should aim for half an hour of exercise every day. Regular exercise has proven to increase your brains ability to process serotonin and norepinephrine. These are the hormones in your brain that manage your ability to deal with stress. Simple exercise and getting the blood flowing can have a tremendous impact on your mood and stress levels. Another vital impact of exercise is that it will give you more energy. It may seem like a contradiction but the more energy you use, the more you actually have. If you spend all day on the couch your body will become accustomed to that lifestyle and you will find it harder and harder to get up and get going. During a pandemic, it is absolutely crucial that you keep your energy levels up because it is hard enough to deal with lockdown in a normal state, doing it while feeling tired and lethargic is much harder. Give yourself the boost you need by training your body and your mind.

Maintaining a healthy mindset is so important at this time. Everyone is dealing with the pandemic in different ways and you will find that those who are able to cope with the hardships are probably those people who have regular exercise routines. Taking care of your body creates a positive atmosphere and you will find that your mental state improves with each day that you spend on the go. You do not have to become a world-class athlete; you just need to get your body moving. Even a simple walk around the block can have massive effects on your well-being.


5 Tips For Recognising A Golden Business Opportunity

When you consider the statistics, including that only 2/3rds of business startups will survive 2 years in business, it makes the idea of starting your own business a little scarier. 30% of businesses will continually lose money, and that’s assuming that they have a stellar business idea, to begin with. However, your chances of success will be significantly improved if you have a golden business idea. Here are 5 tips that can help you see if you have a golden business idea in your hands.

1. Your idea can solve a problem

It doesn’t matter if your idea isn’t a new one; what matters is if it’s an innovative one. Every industry has their own flaws, but if you can solve a major problem that a particular niche has you will be more likely to succeed. Maybe you have figured out a way to be more efficient? Or maybe you found a way to offer those services for cheaper? By finding a solution to some weakness the industry has, you may have a great business idea in your hand.

2. You have an idea that people are willing to pay for

Ideas are one thing, but ideas that people are willing to pay you money for is another. If you have an innovative idea that can propel you to be the first business in that niche in the area, you need to be sure that you are starting a business people are willing to pay for. Any idea can sound great, but if you can’t convince a customer to buy it, then the idea isn’t obviously a good one.

3. There’s a niche market for your idea

If there isn’t a niche market that will be interested in your idea, you won’t even be able to get started on launching your business. If there is a market for your idea, then you will be in good shape as you launch your business, especially if you can solve a specific problem that niche is facing. To determine if there is a market for your idea, you need to do some market research that looks at the industry trends to find out if people are interested in your idea.

4. You’re passionate about your idea

Starting a business is time-consuming and stressful. There are a lot of things that you may need to overcome in the business to keep it going. If you don’t have any passion for your business idea, then you won’t be successful it’s plain and simple. Your passion will make sure that you dedicate the time that your business requires to succeed. This passion is what will help you keep moving forward even as obstacles stand in your way. You shouldn’t just pick something just because it will be profitable, otherwise, you won’t have any reason to stick with the idea when you face obstacles.

5. Staying realistic

Being an entrepreneur is about thinking big and following your dreams. However, you also need to be realistic. You need to stay grounded so that you can see any flaws in your plan. Maybe it isn’t as marketable as you think it would be. Staying realistic will keep you open to advice that will help you succeed or know if your idea isn’t really as great as you think it is.


5 Secrets Of Building A Successful Brand

Today, there are millions of brands out there scampering for a piece of the customer’s mind. A branding exercise can be called a success if it can invoke a certain emotional response when mentioned in a room full of people. But it is also so easy to get lost in the ocean when building a brand. So how do your consumers identify you in comparison to your competitors?

That’s your brand. Rolex and Daniel Wellington, both sell watches, but what sets them apart is the way they choose to communicate their attributes and merits to their respective segments.

And of course, a ‘product’ is not just defined by its attributes but also on how consumers perceive it. How a healthy snack is packaged can set it apart from a fried wafer. The colours on the design and materials used on the packaging can be just as relevant to building perception as the product itself.

Getting started

Imagine you’re building a Bed and Breakfast business. Setting up a brand would require conjuring up images of convenience on the premise as well as on the website, friendly service, and a range of breakfast options, which comes with any BnB service and sharing the vision with your target customers every time they look up a similar service.

When coming up with a branding exercise it would be pertinent to consider the pointers listed below:

Let you brand colour talk

There is no stronger communication method than the right colour for your brand when it comes to driving recall. According to a report by the Seoul International Color Expo, 92.6% of consumers responded saying that the visual aspect is what makes them think of a particular brand.

Too much red on the cover and consumers would know that the product deals in and with passion. White could signify peace and purity like the Unilever soap brand ‘Dove’ whereas green would mean eco-friendly and organic nature of the brands like ‘Whole Foods’.

Digital presence

In the era we currently live in, consumers always want an open channel to engage with the brand. Make sure your digital presence is consistent with your brand image. The colours and the overall look and feel of the website should convey the same message as the brand. The same goes for social media. The offers, campaigns, or any other engagement should be planned to keep the brands’ core theme in mind.

Build a strong brand personality

A brand is more than just a product. It is a state of mind and it should be visible in its personality. When husband and wife duo, Jin Suk and Do Won Chang started Forever21, they built a youthful and vibrant brand for the young who aspired to look as fashionable as a luxury brand like Zara at a fraction of their cost.

Superiority and Longevity

The true purpose of branding is to become at the top of the mind recall for your customer. This can be achieved when your product or service is seen as superior to its competitors. Superior does not mean the best but consumers need to ‘perceive’ them as such.

Also, if consumers are convinced that you are going to be there for a long time, they start looking at you as a brand.

This has nothing to do with the quality or customer service but the emotional response that you can invoke within people’s minds.

Find your Influencer

In this exponentially growing digital world, Influencers are a recent breed that has amassed a following of internet users. People listen to what they have to say and believe in them. An influencer can reliably take your message to your target audience and create a perception in your favor. The best part is that the cost and time required is relatively lower than traditional marketing techniques.


Five Inspirational Movies Every Entrepreneur Should Watch And Why

Let’s face it; who doesn’t love watching inspirational stories right? And what better story is there than a story about someone facing the struggles of trying to succeed in business and in life? There are actually several significant lessons entrepreneurs can learn from Hollywood’s version of entrepreneurship as displayed in these movies and below are five movies every entrepreneur should definitely watch because all of them have important lessons especially for budding entrepreneurs:

The Pursuit of Happyness

Besides being an iconic and inspirational real-life tale that will have an effect on most people, it is especially relevant for those in pursuit of their own dreams.

It’s about investing in your life and never giving up for the want of a better life.

Some of the real-life lessons you can gain from this movie include:

– Hitting rock bottom; things may become worse before they get better; the road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.
– Don’t be afraid to aim high even if the odds are stacked against you.
– Work for it as if your life depended on it. Success comes with working incredibly hard.
– Increase your chances of success by not wasting time and using your resources wisely.
– Get back up whenever you get knocked down.
– Don’t let people’s opinions stop you, even if you are constantly put down by others.
– Show no weakness in business.

These further 4 movies will inspire and teach other valuable lessons in life and business. Whatever stage you are at – there’s a lot you can learn from these entrepreneurial-minded show-stoppers.

The Godfather (Trilogy):

Possibly the ultimate feature film for entrepreneurs to watch. Not just thrilling and thought-provoking but it also prepares you for the business world. It highlights why relationships and networks matter as well as alliances, why helping people leads to good business and why understanding the competition and competitive up with effective strategies is the key to success.

Erin Brockovich

Based on a true story that beautifully illustrates why it’s not about how much you have at the start, you can eventually win in the end just by sheer guts, grit, and determination. The movie also touches on social responsibility and doing good when the odds are stacked against you, sustainable business models, and female empowerment and gender biases in the business world.

Catch Me If You Can

A classic film, it’s based on real events that personify a person’s entrepreneurial journey. This movie touches on important skills like creative problem solving, business vision, sales techniques, how something good can come out of something bad, the skill and mastery of good old-fashioned hustle, and how charisma can actually help you succeed in life. The lead character may not be an exemplary example of how to go about being the model entrepreneur but it certainly makes for resourceful watching!

Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire is a classic movie that everyone loves and some of the most important take-aways from this movie are:

– When you are following your dream, everything else will fall into place,
– Take care of your clients and the money will take care of itself and not the other way around.
– You can succeed again after losing everything. And the journey will be worth it.
– Values and virtues are important building blocks of business.
– Personal relationships are vital.

To conclude, whether you’re an established entrepreneur or an emerging one and you’re looking for something to lift your spirits up and give you more drive than watch these films with a vengeance and take notes.


3 Ways To Keep Your Business Alive And Thriving Despite The Rising Competitions

Change is permanent in the industry and so are competitors. They are both associated with challenges, risks, and sometimes, failure. But fear not, if you can actually treat them as an opportunity to make your business grow and stand out. Surviving these dominating factors of the market will give you strength and flexibility whenever the worst things may happen. This will also help you get prepared if you are planning for a bigger business venture in the near future.

Through your constant engagement with your team, partners, and customers, you can consistently grow your business with focus. Competitors can be a distraction if you keep on focusing on what they can do – Why not focus on the bigger things you can do instead?

Even larger corporations have shortcomings and most commonly, some fail to provide the basic necessity of the customers. You can fulfill these shortcomings by starting on the very small thing that may lead you to the heart of your customers and that is customer service.

Green innovation

A continuous and green innovation can also be one of the keys which may help you throughout the business operation. Green innovation promotes environmentally friendly manufacturing process to prevent the harmful effects of pollution. This is also a cost-effective way to create your products and save energy to cut some manufacturing costs. Doing this strategy makes you a true leader and not just a business owner.

Build a brand of your own

You do not have to imitate what others produce. Use your product not just to gain profit but to influence your customer’s lives as well. Your influence will instantly connect you to them. If you are to use an advertisement for example, make sure the characters on the screen are not just compelling and attractive, but they should also emphasize a meaningful message. In this way, people will be aware of your own brand identity.

Collaborate with your team

Collaboration with your team will also ensure a good working environment. Accept feedback and learn to listen to your team’s suggestions. You may have talented employees who may have better ideas which can be helpful for your business. Collaborating with your team will lead to smooth-sailing business transactions and loyalty.

Build customer retention

Acquiring new customers is as important as retaining the old ones. You have already built the trust of your old customers so make sure to maintain this relationship. Remember, the word of mouth is also powerful. Therefore, ensure to keep your loyal customers because they can also contribute to additional sales revenue.

They can refer your company to other people who are also looking the same service you offer. It’s pretty much hitting two birds with one stone. You can maintain a long-term relationship with your customers while effortlessly adding new potential buyers.

Doing all these essential things will definitely keep your customers returning to you. You have also shown that being an entrepreneur is not just aboug making money for a living. You will serve as a leader because of your strong emotional engagement with the people around you while you maintain a safe and healthy environment.


3 Deadly Oversights That Lead to a Lifetime of Debt

A lifetime of debt is certainly not something someone plans for. People go to work 8 hours or even more than 8 hours a day just to get financial security. Well, that’s probably what you’re thinking.
Some people go to work every day not to save up for the future but to actually pay off the debts of the past. And what’s worse is that it’s never going to be enough. They could work their whole life and still not be able to pay back the capital. That’s what you call a lifetime of debt.

Sounds terrible right? Yet, people easily get into this rat hole. Nobody forces them in! They walk directly, sometimes, they even run right to it. Note, with open arms! Now, who would want to run into a lifetime of debt? Nobody does but everybody does it! Such an irony.

However we enter that rat hole of lifetime debt, it’s still the same, we did and most of the time, it is always by our own doing. We enter into this “debt”-hole on our own. In fact, you could be walking directly into that rat hole right now!

Getting into Instant Money Schemes

How terrific it would be if, with one snap of your finger, you would be instantly rich. How amazing it would be to wake up and everything has changed. That’s really quite tempting. There are times that we get tired of waking up every morning, working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and getting just enough salary to make us survive for the month.

Sometimes, we just want to escape that reality. There are lots of instant-money schemes today where you would need to invest money and they will promise you that it will double or triple. Because of the idea, you instantly jump into the boat bringing all your savings with you.

What’s worse is that you don’t even know where the boat is heading. In a matter of seconds, you find the boat sinking and all your money going with it. Getting into instant money schemes is the best way to get into debt. You invest all that you have only to find it eventually gone.

Getting a Payday Loan

Now, this is a common scenario with many people. People have been warned about these easy-to-get payday loans. Still, people are patronizing it. In fact, more than 2 million people get payday loans every year.

What’s dangerous about these payday loans is that they have really high, I mean really high, interest rates! Plus, they get access to your bank accounts. What’s even worse, they are so easy to renew. When your payday comes and you don’t want a chunk of money removed from your account, you renew the loan and the cycle of debt begins.

Getting Things You can’t Afford

Sounds familiar? Maybe because you’re doing it right now. Trying to buy a house, a car or expensive things you think you need but still can’t afford? Well, that will surely get you to a lifetime of debt. The money paid for these things, plus all the taxes and other payments are more than what people can actually produce in a month.

The temporary solution, borrow, borrow, and borrow! That’s a lifetime of debt right there coming for you. You might have noticed by now that the easiest way to get into a lifetime of debt is wanting to get things easy and fast. Remember, if you want to avoid a lifetime of debt, plan ahead and practice self-discipline!


5 Highly Effective Success Tips For Entrepreneurs

Do you truly want to know how to be rich and successful in life? If so, then you need to be ready to change your daily routine. It goes without saying that even the slightest detail may determine whether you’ll succeed in life or not. There is a massive competition out there, and hence you must be prepared to do whatever it takes to stand out from the rest.

So what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? Well, the answer is not simple. There are several steps you need to take to make sure that you achieve the success you are entitled to. Below are some of the essential tips that will help you in your path. These tips will help you grow your revenue and eventually reach the pinnacle of success.

Use your strongest points

First of all, you need to make use of your strongest points so you’ll thrive in business. It is true that we all have our weaknesses, but what you need to concentrate on are your strengths. What are you really great at? This is where you need to focus on, in order for you to become successful in your chosen field.

Adapt to new technology

Another thing you must incorporate in your entrepreneurial life is the use of technology in business. With the latest advancements in technology, there is a whole new world out there that can help you go up to the next level in your business. A whole world filled with opportunities for you to grab and take full advantage of.


If you want to become successful one day, then you must be ready to invest prudently. Find opportunities that require minimal risk and maximum profit margin. There are a lot of options for you out there if you simply analyze the dangers and separate the wheat from the chaff.

Be vigilant

Once you have found opportunities to invest, you need to be cautious and assess the dangers in what you’re entering. You should not rush into just any investment which might eventually be proven fragile. Instead, you ought to weigh all the pros and cons until you reach your decision as to the most viable investment opportunity.

Be bold

Do not be afraid to make a statement and be innovative. Do things your way, so that you can benefit from the outcome. If you are really certain about something, do your due diligence then go ahead and show the world what you are made of!

Keeping these things in mind can definitely help you spread your wings and reach your goals. If you implement these tips in your daily routine, you will be a successful entrepreneur before you know it!


4 Common-Sense Ways To Shrink Your Credit Card Payment

An average person usually falls into the trap of having a bad financial status with credit cards because of unpaid monthly dues. And once you have fallen into the ploy, it is already hard to recuperate especially in the kind of economic status that we currently have. We end up paying the ever-increasing finance charges that make the bulk of our debt.

Our credit card, monthly payments can only go one way…and that is up unless we do something to address the ever-increasing debt balance. Every unpaid monthly balance would pile up in the form of finance charges that would yield to a higher interest rate being charged on our credit card accounts. And, if this cycle goes on and on, we will just wake up one day realizing that we can no longer pay all credit card dues and we’re stuck in a deep dark hole. The good news is, there are ways and means on how we can lower down our credit card payments, and here they are below.

The first thing we can do is make monthly payments that are significantly higher than the balance. If we can do this regularly for consecutive months, then, our credit card payments will definitely drop down.

Not only must we pay more than what is required from us; we should also pay on time to further cut the finance charges associated with late payments. Furthermore, we must control our urge to use our credit card for so long as there is still an outstanding balance that needs to be paid off.

Another equally wise alternative course of action if we are already caught with sky-scraping credit card payments is to tap the services of our credit card counseling organization. Apparently, major credit cards offer this kind of service to address the issues of delinquent payers. They participate in debt management programs that aim in lowering down the monthly payments and reducing the interest rates of clients enrolled in this program. It is to be noted though that our eligibility to participate in this program would depend on our relationship and standing with our creditors. The people behind the card counseling organization are ready to help people who demonstrate financial distress especially in dealing with the payments of their credit card balance.

Another good thing with the credit card counseling organization is the fact that credit counselors will provide a projection of what your monthly payment would be; consequently, they will help you come up with a workable budget that will make you pay off your monthly credit card balance and at the same time address all your daily expenditures. Furthermore, they will also tell you the amount of interest savings that you will be able to earn while on the program.
It is to be noted that the coverage of credit counseling organizations to lower down your interest rate will solely depend on the status of your account. Apparently, they prefer current accounts; however, they can still give a remedy to late payments through the wide range of re-aging benefits that they offer through the debt management program.

It is important to take action before our accounts get to be charged-off and referred to debt collection agencies because by then, it will already be too late because they don’t have programs that offer benefits just like the credit counseling organization and debt management program. You’ll just end u sinking even further in a black hole.


5 Ways To Boost Facebook Posts Via Organic Reach

If you want to boost your content reach over Facebook and the engagement on your posts, this article is just the thing for you! Below are simple ways listed that will encourage the growth of unpaid reach, either in small steps or a large whole, depending on your circumstances!

First questions first!

But why is the level of organic reach so little?

The reason is simple and divided into two!

  • The competition has increased significantly over the years and there is a lot of content shared by Facebook users. Alike content tends to get overshadowed.
  • The algorithm has evolved as well. Facebook filters out posts dependent upon the quality of the posts. It prefers the paid reach over the non-paid too!

So, in light of these circumstances, how does one increase the organic reach? What are the tactics and strategies to use?

How to boost up your organic reach?

  • Posting when its off-peak hours:

Using the Facebook insights, posting your content when more audience is online seems like the most reasonable option. But in reality, there is a lot of competition in the on-peak hours and the battle is at its best. Most posts get overshadowed and the most liked by the majority receives all the attention. But in off-peak hours, with lesser storming of the News feed, your posts will receive more attention. And when a post hits a certain engagement mark, Facebook promotes it for free! So, find out your best timings to post from your insights.

  • Embedding your links to other places:

Another simple way to boost your posts is by embedding your content on places apart from Facebook. Place your links on your blogs or channels, perhaps your newsletter too. This not only encourages the people to like, comment and share but also to check out your other posts!

  • Targeting your posts:

Target your audience! Firstly, within your news feed and then on the whole Facebook platform. This will help get more views and people with interest in your content will engage. Click the globe icon and underneath the status option, limit your audience by different qualifications such as age limits and interests etc.

  • Using Facebook video:

There is a new hype for videos in the feed. Facebook users are loving video content and the best way to make your page more captivating is by introducing video content. You should make original video content for your page. It doesn’t need to be complicated stuff; simple slideshow works have also been seen to generate more activity than normal posts in most cases.

  • Quality over quantity:

There is always a rivalry going on in every social platform and the best ones seem to win only. For this reason, make quality your goal, not quantity. Make sure that your content is high-quality, even if you post less. Create original and unmatchable content, and you’ll be sure to get tons of engagement! Spend the time you would use on posting multiple average things on creation of good and higher quality content.


5 Ways To Determine If Your New Business Idea Will Rock The Market

When planning a startup, every entrepreneur wants to make sure his/her business idea becomes profitable. This is to make sure your investment is paid off and your effort is worthy of your time. Choosing a business can be a tough one because of the risks you need to consider. For a new entrepreneur, these precautionary measures can help you decide about the first things you need to do before entering the world of business.

Choose a business based on your strength and personal interest.

Venturing into a totally unknown business is a very big challenge. Choosing a product or service near your personal interest will actually help you gain knowledge on how it works and how most people are likely to use them. You can visualize the satisfaction of your upcoming customers by comparing it to your personal experience as well. This way, you can determine the pros and cons of using the product personally.

Map out the areas of high demand

Products from each area vary depending on the need of the consumers. You need to check if the chosen location where you want to put up a business has potential customers and competitors. Figure out the number of similar businesses in that area and verify the estimated household expenditures who may purchase your chosen product or services. You got the ideal location if the area has a high demand but has a little competition.

Know your competition

Analyzing the uniqueness of your product will help you beat the competition. This is one of the most crucial parts for start-ups so it’s vital that you include it in your to-do list. Make sure the value of your product separates itself from other competition. You can evaluate the reviews done by the consumers to check their reputation, to determine if the price matches the quality of the product, and customer experience. This will help you analyze how to please your potential customers and provide their unserved needs.

Check the trends of your chosen product or service and match it with the condition of the industry

Many market research firms can help you assess the market condition based on the selected products and services you want to sell. Having a detailed report helps you get an idea if your business will stay strong not just because it is trending in the industry but because most people need your service. Keeping a longer length of stay in the industry is very important to make sure your business is untouchable no matter how many trends come and go.

Ensure the sustainability of your business model

Make sure you can meet the demand and supply of the product which are the discrete requirements of any business. A thorough pre-analysis which includes collecting information about the price proposal or cost structures, scalability of the product, and revenue models will define your business success rate. On top of these measurements, make sure you have a backup resolution in case a problem persists.

Considering these factors before starting your business will help you prevent failure in the future. These tips are very important if you are aspiring to be one of the most successful entrepreneurs in your chosen field of industry.


4 Everyday Habits Of Self-Made Millionaires

Do you want to know how to become a millionaire? One thing that you need to know is that millionaires don’t follow the same path towards their success. However, it is easy to decipher their financial success because there are several habits that they have in common. Below are some of the habits of financially successful individuals that you need to emulate if you want to become a millionaire one day yourself.


One of the traits that millionaires have in common is that they employ an efficient financial system. They put their bills on auto-payment to make sure that they are paid on time. They do this to avoid paying late fees.

They also invest their money on a regular basis by deducting a portion from their income, or from their savings and putting that money in an investment because investing your money can allow you to grow it. Most investment vehicles, such as real estate, stocks, certificates of deposit, or bonds, offer returns on your money over the long term period. This return allows your money to build, creating wealth in the long run. Some people prefer to keep their cash in the bank, but what most people don’t know is that inflation can deal huge damage to your cash assets. This is because the typical terms and interest rates of your savings or cheque accounts are not designed to keep up with rising inflation rates.

Pay Attention to Details

A self-made millionaire pays close attention to all the details surrounding their financial circumstances. They know the amount of cash that’s sitting idly in their savings account and they will invest them so they can get a higher rate of return. They will also notice whenever their phone bill, water bill, electricity bill, or any other bills are higher than usual. They’ll figure out why the bills are higher, especially if the consumption or level of service is the same. Another thing that any self-made millionaire does is always look at the terms and conditions before signing any contract. This will ensure that they get what they expect, and won’t get any surprise expenses in the future.

Continuous Learner

More often than not, most successful people have had a good education. Working hard at school and then going on to further education or college has long been encouraged by parents and teachers for generations, as most people still believe that education is the key to success. While there are plenty of high-profile people out there who we now consider being mega-successful didn’t actually do too well at school such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg who dropped out of university to become two of the richest people in the planet, most millionaires have a degree in a field that provides a higher chance of earning a lot more. Doctors, attorneys, and engineers definitely earn more compared to laundry and dry-cleaning workers, food preparation and serving workers or dining room and cafeteria attendants.

One can easily see the benefits of education in the workplace. Engineers with four-year degrees often make more money compared to drafters and technicians who only have an associate’s degree or a high school diploma.

However, it should be noted that education is not always about making more money. Learning new skills can also save you money in the long run. Some skills that can be helpful include troubleshooting a computer, fixing stuff at home, and managing one’s investments, just to name a few.

Take Risks

If you ask a millionaire how to become rich, they will always tell you to take calculated risks. Whether it’s the stock market or real estate, there are always some risks involved, but that didn’t stop them from investing though. A lot of people fail to become rich because they fear the possibility of losing money. While becoming a millionaire is never a guarantee, exposing yourself to more opportunities can vastly improve your chances of financial success.


How To Overcome Rejection And Turn It Into Power By Refocussing On Your Big Goals

As an entrepreneur you are going to run into rejection, it’s inevitable. You might turn in a proposal that gets denied or try to sell your services and get denied. Either way, it’s important to remember your goals and keep pushing towards them. Don’t let a simple no stop you from achieving your goals. Some of the most successful people have been denied multiple times before reaching their spotlight. Just keep that in mind on this journey of entrepreneurship.

Never take it personally. Most rejections are based on the wellbeing of the other company. If you get rejected it’s simply because they don’t think it’s a good fit. It’s not because you suck and your company sucks. It’s literally just business. Let business be business, and don’t take it to your heart. Don’t let it affect your motivation, or ability to market yourself.

You should use rejection as a tool to figure out what your next step is or even how you could present yourself better next time. Take it as a learning opportunity and figure out what needs to change in order to land that next deal. Your goal is to be successful and grow your company, so use rejection as a tool to guide you in a better direction. Just because one person denied you doesn’t mean there’s not someone else out there that has been looking for someone just like you.

Never be afraid of rejection. Rejection is part of the growth process, and without it, you wouldn’t know where to begin, or even where you should go next. You should never fear being denied because a denial is all it is. It doesn’t affect you negatively to be rejected. If anything, you and the person that denied you are the only ones that are even aware of the rejection. You don’t have to showcase how many rejections it took until you succeeded. Just remember that each rejection leads to another possible deal. Don’t hesitate to put yourself out there in fear of being rejected. Just live for the moment and if you get denied then that’s all that has happened is you got denied. You are still an entrepreneur and you are still striving.

Another thing is don’t give your hopes up to soon. Just keep in mind that rejection is inevitable, and it’s bound to happen to you at some point while venturing as an entrepreneur. Stop hesitating to put yourself out there, because, in the end, it will be nothing but beneficial. You can’t land deals, without putting yourself out there. Regardless of rejection, you are still an entrepreneur and you still need to get your services out there. You can’t wait around and expect something to come to you because that is not realistic. Like I said, rejection is bound to happen on your journey, just don’t let it stop you from marketing your services or company. Use it as a tool to succeed.


5 Highly Effective Business Success Tips For Entrepreneurs

Do you really want to know how to be rich and successful in life?

If so, then you need to get ready to change your daily routine. It goes without saying that even the slightest detail may determine if you’ll end up succeeding in life or not. There is a huge competition out there hence the reason why you must be prepared to do whatever it takes to stand out from the rest.

So what does it take to be rich and successful?

Well, the answer is not simple. There are several steps you need to take to make sure that you gain the success that you’re aiming for. Let’s take a closer look at some of the tips that will help you in your path to success. Below are some surefire tips that will help you grow your revenue and eventually reach the milestone of a million.

1. First of all, you need to make use of your strongest points if you want to thrive in business. It is true that we all have our weaknesses, however, you need to concentrate on your strengths though if you truly want to succeed one day. Which areas are you great at? This is where you need to really focus on in order for you to make the most out of your business.

2. Another thing you must incorporate is the use of technology in business. With the latest advancements in technology, there is a whole new world unveiled before your eyes. A world filled with opportunities for you to grab and take full advantage of. Do not let them getaway!

3. If you want to know how to be rich, you must be ready to invest prudently. Find opportunities that require minimal risk and maximum profit margin. There are a lot of options for you out there if you simply analyze the dangers and separate the wheat from the chaff.

4. Once you have found opportunities to invest, you need to be cautious and assess the dangers. You should not rush into any investment, which might be proven fragile. Instead, you ought to weigh all the pros and cons until you reach your decision as to the most viable investment opportunity.

5. Do not be afraid to make a statement and be innovative. Do things your way, so that you can benefit from the outcome. If you are certain about something, go ahead and show the world what you are made of!

Keeping these things in mind, you can spread your wings and reach your goals. Implementing these tips in your daily routine will help you become a millionaire in no time.


Four Essential Digital Marketing Elements To Consider For Your Business

Let’s face it; online marketing is evolving and helping transform lives. As the years go by, there will always be changes in the manner that people make transactions through the Internet – which means that marketing online can also change along with it.

In order to transition properly with the possible changes in the virtual marketing procedures, you must be aware of the essential elements that will surely lead you to come up with a successful business endeavour online. The following are the most vital elements that you need to know about online marketing for an efficient business venture over the Internet.

• Market knowledge

Every entrepreneur needs to know how to target their audience. The moment you identify the market that you will be dealing with, it will improve your chances of learning about the marketing strategy that you will use in the entire transaction in the business. Market knowledge is the foundation of any marketing technique whether it be online or a physical transaction.

• Responsive website

A responsive website is composed of images, videos and other important elements of an operational website. Your site should have a series of capturing leads that can help you gain potential customers that you might not be expecting at first. A website can be compared to a virtual brochure wherein you will have a catalog of your products and services. Having your own website will surely help in establishing a good business identity for your business.

• Content

Your content means a lot in online marketing. In most cases, a business can easily be identified through its content that is why it is necessary for you to come up with high-quality content. Internet marketing is a broad area in the virtual world wherein you are most likely to encounter a series of competitors in the same niche as yours. A business has a higher possibility of getting known in the market because the content is easier to contribute online.

• Quality design

Aside from the fact that you need to have quality content for your site, it’s also essential that your website has a creative design to attract potential customers. A good design for your website is a great investment that will give you higher chances of increasing the number of your audience. You should make it to a point to invest on quality design to make it more comfortable for your customers to deal effectively with you. Paying attention to great design is a way for you to arrive at the best results for your business.

Learning about these elements of online marketing is the first step towards a successful marketing plan over the Internet. Making money online goes on a careful procedure in order to increase your sales at the end of the day. When you work on each of these elements, you will be able to produce more sales and revenue by the end of the year. In this case, you can call your business truly a success.


6 Persuasion Tactics To Persuade Anyone to Do ANYTHING Easily

Did you know that there are certain tactics you can apply in your daily life to get anyone to do pretty much anything?

Let’s be honest, every single one of us would want to have the power of persuasion. If you’re an employee you want to be persuasive enough to get ahead in your job, if you’re an entrepreneur you want to be influential enough to drive your business to success or if you’re a man in the process of courting a woman, you want to be persuasive enough to make the woman fall in love with you.

If you want to unlock the secret to persuading anyone to do whatever you want then you’ve come to the right place. Below are six influence tactics that’ll help you persuade anyone to do anything.

Look the part

If you want to be able to persuade people to do what you want then you need to be an authority figure. People listen to authority figures because they can trust that whatever that person says is pretty much gospel.

Therefore, if you want to be able to persuade people to agree with you then make sure you look the part. Wear a decent outfit and talk as if you know exactly what you’re talking about. Most of the time people listen to other people because they look and sound the part not necessarily because they are an expert in the field.

Fake it till you make it. Even if you’re not as qualified as other people, as long as you look and sound like an authority figure then I guarantee you’ll persuade people more.

Build rapport

It’s quite obvious that if you like someone personally then you’re more inclined to be persuaded by that person.

Therefore, you need to get the other person to like you, you need to find a common ground to build rapport.

Do you both follow the same sport?

Do you both enjoy the same food?

Have you both experienced heartbreak at some point in your lives?

Do you both have the same sense of humor?

The more you can get the other person to like you and relate to you the easier it is to persuade them.

Exchange of goodwill

How hard is it to say no to a person who’s really likable and generous?

Most people would usually feel somewhat obliged to return a favour if you do something for them – no questions asked. If someone did you a special favour without wanting something in return, wouldn’t you want to repay the favour anyway if they asked?

Being generous no matter the level – may it be a free lunch or a cab ride might just be the key to locking in that multi-million dollar deal.

Creating a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency has been the backbone of entrepreneurs since the beginning of time.

Have you noticed that people tend to persuaded to buy if there’s a sense of urgency?

Don’t you find it funny that people tend to be persuaded to buy something that is on sale for a limited time only?

That’s because people are more drawn to want what they can’t have and having that sense of urgency gives people that fear that they might be missing out on something amazing which they could regret about one day.

No one wants to buy something that is just sitting there with a standard price, as soon as you advertise that it’s on sale for a limited time only – watch the interest level go up!

Make yourself scarce because people want what they can’t have. Make it clear that the offer you’re extending to them won’t last forever, and they will be missing out if you decide to pull the plug.

Steer clear of verbal fillers

Verbal fillers are actually words or phrases that are used during a conversation to fill in a moment of silence between connecting thoughts or ideas. Verbal fillers such as “uh” or “um” can be off-putting and may cost you your credibility with whom you’re speaking to.

Make sure you think before you speak because adding fillers in between your conversation is a surefire way of turning that person off.

Mirror what they’re saying

Mirroring someone is the behaviour in which you imitate the gesture, speech pattern, or attitude of another person.

Replicating another person’s nonverbal signals is a great way of letting that person know that you are listening because you are basically acknowledging their thoughts and feelings.

It gives the impression that you really understand that person. This is a very powerful tool as long as it’s done right.


5 Mistakes You Need To Avoid If You Want To Become A Millionaire

Becoming a millionaire seems like the perfect dream for most people. In order to make this dream come true, though, it takes a lot of determination and hard work. Although many of the people dreaming of becoming millionaires will end up settling for less, this does not have to be the case with you. If you are driven by the thirst to succeed, you need to build on solid ground and start making life changes.

However, there are a lot of misinterpretations that can get you off the right course towards success. Some things just are not necessary and in fact can be proven extremely damaging to your goals. How to be rich does not depend on any of the following misconceptions. Read the following points below carefully and find out what you do not need to do:

• Work on conventional niches

This is a safe way towards failure. In other words, you do not want to engage in niches that have been regarded as traditional money-making business. You cannot expect to get rich any time soon by practicing law or medicine or architecture. These professions require a lot of time, and you slowly build your income, up to a point.

• Assume that just by studying hard will bring in the cash

There is no guarantee that your studies will pay off in the future when it comes to your professional career and money boost. On the contrary, most of the times you will be expected to choose a different professional path, which has nothing to do with what you have studied.

• Depend on luck

Luck is definitely not the main factor that determines if you get rich or not. You should focus on taking advantage of any opportunity coming your way, rather than wait for luck to knock on your door.

• Indulge in scams

Nothing good has ever come long term from scams. Even if you are lured by short-term winnings, you will most likely learn the hard way that such money does not last. So it is not worth risking your career for something with dubious results.

• Maintain a rich social life

Unfortunately, when you set your mind on how to be a millionaire, there is no time to waste. This means that you must be considerate and schedule all your social plans according to your optimal benefits professionally.

Of course, these are just few of the things you ought to avoid on your path to success. You need to set realistic goals and do not let go till you reach them.


How To Effectively Overcome Disappointment And Refocus On Your Main Goals

As an entrepreneur you are going to run into rejection, it’s inevitable. You might turn in a proposal that gets denied or try to sell your services and get denied. Either way, it’s important to remember your goals and keep pushing towards them. Don’t let a simple no stop you from achieving your goals. Some of the most successful people have been denied multiple times before reaching their spotlight. Just keep that in mind on this journey of entrepreneurship.

Never take it personally. Most rejections are based on the wellbeing of the other company. If you get rejected it’s simply because they don’t think it’s a good fit. It’s not because you suck and your company sucks. It’s literally just business. Let business be business, and don’t take it to your heart. Don’t let it affect your motivation, or ability to market yourself.

You should use rejection as a tool to figure out what your next step is or even how you could present yourself better next time. Take it as a learning opportunity and figure out what needs to change in order to land that next deal. Your goal is to be successful and grow your company, so use rejection as a tool to guide you in a better direction. Just because one person denied you doesn’t mean there’s not someone else out there that has been looking for someone just like you.

Never be afraid of rejection. Rejection is part of the growth process, and without it, you wouldn’t know where to begin, or even where you should go next. You should never fear being denied because a denial is all it is. It doesn’t affect you negatively to be rejected. If anything, you and the person that denied you are the only ones that are even aware of the rejection. You don’t have to showcase how many rejections it took until you succeeded. Just remember that each rejection leads to another possible deal. Don’t hesitate to put yourself out there in fear of being rejected. Just live for the moment and if you get denied then that’s all that has happened is you got denied. You are still an entrepreneur and you are still striving.

Another thing is don’t give your hopes up to soon. Just keep in mind that rejection is inevitable, and it’s bound to happen to you at some point while venturing as an entrepreneur. Stop hesitating to put yourself out there, because, in the end, it will be nothing but beneficial. You can’t land deals, without putting yourself out there. Regardless of rejection, you are still an entrepreneur and you still need to get your services out there. You can’t wait around and expect something to come to you because that is not realistic. Like I said, rejection is bound to happen on your journey, just don’t let it stop you from marketing your services or company. Use it as a tool to succeed.


5 Surefire Marketing Strategies Every Entrepreneur Needs


Not all people who want to enter the world of business possess a booming marketing skill. This brings fear to a small business owner who finds it difficult to start with just a little capital. However, there are several ways you can learn to acquire this certain skill to make an incredible income. Most entrepreneurs experienced the same feeling you have when they started their business so don’t be scared – you can be successful, too.

Highlight the benefits of your products or services

You do not have to compare your products to the competitors just to emphasize the values which make them different. Learn how to match the price based on the quality and value of your offers. In every feature of your product, associate it with its benefit. Most consumers value their money by purchasing goods which are useful and beneficial to them. Always remember the difference between buying a product because they need it or they want it.

Profile your potential customer

Base your offer on their gender, age, living status, household activities, and many other preferences, so you know how to position your product or service. You may feel dismayed every time a customer ignores your direct offer due to their personal reasons. To gain their attention, ask few things which may let them express what they need so you can discover the ideal product they want. Listen to them and analyze the things they need.

Use many types of marketing platform through the powerful influence of the internet

Nowadays, social media has affected its large number of users. In this way, your products can reach the awareness of millions of people which is the primary advantage provided by the internet. In addition, creating compelling content for your website can also attract more customers. Other forms of marketing strategy are crowdsourcing, affiliate marketing, and video marketing. Through your creativity and proper use of these tools, you can boost your sales in a short span of time.

Let customers provide their feedback or suggestions

The impression of clients is significant to help you produce a product that is efficient and valuable to many users. Use their feedback to help you meet their needs and resolve underlying issues before you spend a lot in producing products which you think will still be useful for them.

Track every single money you spent for your marketing campaign

This is very important because this will allow you to compare which of those marketing channels you use is more efficient. The records will also help you analyze the resolutions you can do to improve your techniques. You can pinpoint the areas of your product which customers need and which one needs improvement or changes. Through this guide, you can prevent the waste of money focusing on something that is not effective.