
16 Guaranteed Ways to Gain More Followers On Facebook


With over 200 billion active users, it’s safe to say that a presence in Facebook is an absolute must.

Hence the reason why Facebook remains ahead of other social media platforms when it comes to social media marketing. This is also the main reason why I highly recommend all entrepreneurs to get serious about promoting their businesses on Facebook by creating highly engaging Facebook business pages because that will translate to money in your pocket.

So how do you increase your Facebook following? Read on below:

Like your own page – sounds simple but you’d be amazed how easy it is to forget to ‘like’ your own business.

Invite your friends – use your existing social network to grow your business network. If you have friends who would be interested in your business then don’t be shy about inviting them.

Monitor, the interactions people have with your page – Make sure to check that the people who have interacted with your posts have liked your page. Every now and then go back and check your last few posts. If anyone has engaged with your post but hasn’t joined your page then invite them, you already know they are interested in what you must offer.

Post content – Make sure you update your page regularly. Pay attention to what gets the most response and keep on doing that. If you don’t keep updating your page, you will lose the followers you have, and you certainly won’t gain any more.

Link your personal profile to your business – This will give your business a personable link. People will be able to engage with you as a human being rather than just your business as an entity.

Log in to your business account – don’t forget to change your login. Make sure you are generating content as your business, not just on your personal account.

Go with the trends – there are lots of classic #. Join in with #ThrowbackThursday, #WednesdayWisdom and … #FollowFriday – share other people’s content, if it’s relevant to your niche then you will be building links within your community and reaching more people who will be interested in your business.

Fill everything in – Make sure that you have completed all the details on your page, don’t leave blanks in the About us section.

Link your webpage to your Facebook page – Whatever platform you use for your main website you will be able to add a Facebook widget. This will show the latest content from your Facebook page on your website.

Tag your photos – If you post any pictures make sure you add tags of relevant people or businesses. If you include locations as well, then this will help you to stay visible in your area.

Ask for Reviews – If you have previously satisfied customers then ask them to leave you a Facebook review. Ask all your new customers to do the same. Good reviews are like gold dust; they are the most valuable things on the internet to grow your business.

Check-in – Let people know that you are available.

Get ‘real people’ to like your Facebook page – When you are interacting with people in the real world, ask them to join your Facebook page as well.

Participate in Facebook Threads – Find posts you want to share and then post the URL on your page. This will increase the number and range of people you are able to reach. You will also find that other people will begin to reciprocate the gesture.

Share your page – If you have valuable content on your page then get out there and share it in as many relevant places as possible.